Are you getting a sick feeling about your credit card debt settlement program since the Federal Trade Commission announced settlement companies used a business model based on deceit to get your business, take your money and actually help you fail? Are you surprised some for-profit settlement companies are endorsing the new law but screaming foul because so-called nonprofits were not included?
Use a search term like "new FTC law debt settlement companies" to see what it's all about and after you do a bit of studying you'll discover it's just business as usual in the debt industry. The "for-profits" are upset that "nonprofits" are not included and can charge any amount because the nonprofits are usually owned or are an extension of the original card companies and therefore exempt from nearly all federal laws. Still surprised?
The net result of the new law for consumers will be business as usual no matter which one you deal with in the settlement industry. Your hard-earned dollars will be taken from you and passed up the food chain to feed the lavish requirements of the banking industry. If this confuses you please use the search term "the gig is up--money, the Federal Reserve, money and you" to get an out behind the barn education that will change your life forever!
Having watched the "gig" you know it's just the same old song with a different tune so the new settlement law will not help you and the card companies will continue their outrageous and unchecked card shark tactics. But, that's using the new law so if you go back in time to 1966 and look at the old FTC law you'll find a whole different tune being played.
Virtually anyone can achieve a 40 to 50% debt settlement on their own without using a settlement company by refusing to pay the card account. Card companies may voluntarily offer these rates before they write off and close your account as mandated by federal law after six months of non-payment because they are going to sell your account information to a collection agency for perhaps 5% or less of what you allegedly owe. Why take a 95% loss when you're offering them 50%?
The arrogance of banks usually leads them to take the so-called 95% loss because they actually don't lose a penny anyway and give you a slap in the face by having some thug collector attempting to make your life miserable. Here's where the fun and savings begins when you invoke your constitutional rights and use the legal system to put collectors in the unemployment line.
Use the search term "FTC debt video" and watch this powerful law which has been reduced to cartoon status so the public will simply bypass it believing it's just another Bugs Bunny show. Listen to the words carefully or download the PDF version of the law to realize the real significance. Beating collectors over the phone is easy and handling their written collection notices is a piece of cake!
Hopefully, you now understand you don't need a settlement company whether it's for profit or some alleged nonprofit extension of the card companies. Credit card debt or either type of settlement company is always hazardous your financial health. Perhaps Congress would stand a better chance of getting a meaningful law passed through the FDA where bankers don't write the laws! Live life and have fun!